
Hilbert Curves for Locality

I haven’t been able to find much information on how space filling curves, like Hilbert curves, are used in network interconnection topology in supercomputers. So, this post is my attempt at putting some of the information in one place. We’ll start off with an introduction to gray encoding and how it relates to Hilbert curves.

So, gray codes are the concept of the day here. Gray codes are just another binary representation of integer counting (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …). They were used back in the day for mechanical counting because of a key property – only one bit changes for every value that a gray code is incremented or decremented. This made it simple for a sensor to tell when the value had changed because only one bit would be flipped every time. This is in contrast to normal binary counting where it’s common for multiple bits to be flipped for every time the value is incremented or decremented which makes it difficult to tell if the bits have all completely flipped into their final state.

Gray codes also have another special property. Some people like to call gray codes “reflected binary codes”. This property makes the generation of gray codes feel very similar to the generation of a fractal. For example, start off with the one bit gray codes – you have 0 and 1. Now, to get two bit gray codes, you write it forwards and backwards (0, 1, 1, 0). Then, prepend 0s to the first half of the numbers and 1s to the second half of the numbers (00, 01, 11, 10) and you end up with the two bit gray codes. To get the n-bit gray codes, you repeat the process n times from the base case.

Now the cool stuff. Gray codes have yet another story to tell. You can use gray codes to reference a coordinate in a space filling curve known as a “Hilbert Curve”. Ignore the word “curve” or now it’s just going to confuse you. If you’re like most people, you’re going to think of a curve as a smooth turn on a roller coaster or the shape of a hot air balloon. You’ll think of Hilbert curves like that eventually, but not now. Right now, you can safely think of Hilbert curves in appearance as similar to the maze puzzles on a paper placemat from a roadside greasy spoon.

So, how do you use gray codes to reference locations in Hilbert curves? Lets start off with the two bit gray codes. Just use each value like an x-y coordinate. So, we have the coordinates of (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0) as our first order Hilbert curve.

                 (0, 1)  *---------*  (1, 1)
                         |         |
                         |         |
                         |         |
                         |         |
                 (0, 0)  *         *  (1, 0)

Now, lets try to do the second order Hilbert curve using the four bit gray codes. To do this, we need to utilize the fractal properties of the Hilbert curve. Each coordinate in the first order Hilbert curve needs to be replaced by a new sub-curve that is the same shape as the first order curve. This new sub-curve will be translated and rotated to fit in with the design of the first order Hilbert curve. Once each of the coordinates has been replaced, we end up with a second order Hilbert curve.

                  *-------*       *-------*
                  |       |       |       |
                  |       |       |       |
                  |       |       |       |
                  *       *-------*       *
                  |                       |
                  |                       |
                  |                       |
                  *-------*       *-------*
                          |       |
                          |       | 
                          |       |
                  *-------*       *-------*

To address each of the coordinates in the second order Hilbert curve with gray codes, we need to reference the original location of the coordinate that was replaced by the sub-curve. So, for example, the lower-right corner in the second order Hilbert curve has a gray code with bits that start with 10.

We can then get the rest of the gray code by again picturing the single order Hilbert curve and rotating the visualization and then referencing that same point after rotations in the lower order. So, the remaining part of the code is 00 which makes the code for the lower-right corner 1000. Using the same concept, you can use a gray code to find the location in a Hilbert curve.

Now, how does the conversion from gray codes to Hilbert graphs and back actually help us when it comes to network topology? Lets look at a third order Hilbert curve for some perspective.

                *---*   *---*   *---*   *---*
                |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
                *   *---*   *   *   *---*   *
                |           |   |           |
                *---*   *---*   *---*   *---*
                    |   |           |   |
                *---*   *---*---*---*   *---*
                |                           |
                *   *---*---*   *---*---*   *
                |   |       |   |       |   |
                *---*   *---*   *---*   *---*
                   (3)  |  (7)      |
            (2) *---*   *---*   *---*   *---*
                |   |       |   |       |   |
            (1) *   *---*---*   *---*---*   *
                   (4) (5) (6)

Start from the lower left corner of the curve and start ordering each coordinate as you go along. As you pass each coordinate, calculate a rough estimate of the physical difference in distance between each coordinate. You’ll find that as you go, coordinates that are close to each other tend to also be close to each other in their ordering. The number of each coordinate as you go along and give each a value is known as the “Hilbert integer”.

Now that we have a bit of a base, we can try to relate this to interconnection topology. First things first, we need to have a picture of a 3 dimensional Hilbert curve. So, instead of filling up a 2 dimensional space through each order of the curve, we fill up a 3 dimensional space by adding a rotation into the third dimension to each translate and rotation in 2 dimensional space.

                       *       *
                       |\      |
                       | \     |
                       |  *    |  *
                       |  |    |  |
                       *-------*  |
                          |       |
                          |       |

Now that we have a topology that closely resembles the node structure in a 3D torus network structure, we can start thinking about how nodes are allocated.

Remember the concept of a Hilbert integer? That’s going to be the node ID of every node in the supercomputer. When the Hilbert integers of each node are generated, they’;re stored by the central resource manager and stored for the duration of the resource manager’s lifecycle. After being sorted into a one dimensional array, the node IDs can then be effectively used by a scheduler to provide resources to jobs at a level of abstraction where the scheduler doesn’t need to worry about the actual node topology.